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Training Levels



swimmers' age as of DECEMBER 31st of each calendar year. This age is used to determine the Swim Ontario Registration Fee

Senior (SR)

A swimmer who trains with Head Coach, Fishia Kebede, and trains a minimum of 8-9 times per week

Junior (JR)

A swimmer who trains with Head Coach, Fishia Kebede, and trains a minimum of 7-8 times per week

Age Group

a swimmer who trains a minimum of 5 days per week. There are two groups within Age Group-those who may train 6-7 times per week and those who may train up to 6 times per week


a swimmer who trains three 3 days per week. There are two novice categories-Novice 1 and Novice 2-Swimmers are placed in each group based on Coaches' evaluation of the swimmers' level and experience. Generally, swimmers first entering competitive swimming will be placed in Novice 2

Introduction to Competitive Swimming (formerly Gold)

a swimmer who trains a minimum of two days per week for 2-4 hours per week

Learn To Swim

a swimmers who trains one day per week. NO previous swimming ability required


A swimmer who is at least 18 years of age and wishes to train for fitne, technique and or competition


The Head Coach will determine placement of all swimmers and will take into consideration the age of the swimmer, his/her performance, expectations, attendance, maturity and attitude


Swim Season

September1 to August 31 the following year. For York Swimmers, the season typically ends with the end of the Long Course Competitive season in Mid-July. (e.g. Provincials, Eastern Champs, Nationals and Age Group Nationals-depending on the level of the swimmer and as determined by the Head Coach or the Board of Directors)

Registration Pre-Requisite

Pursuant to a motion passed by the Board of Directors, no child will be able to swim until all post-dated cheques and registration forms are complete and the swimmer's account is up-to-date (i.e there is no outstanding balance from the previous swim season)

Post-Dated Cheques General Policy

post dated cheques must be written for Membership Fee (include Swim Ontario Fees and Swim Meet Fees). The swimmer will not be permitted to continue swimming past the first week of the season unless post-dated cheques are written, It i understood that the swimmer' account will be in good standing through the course of the season.

Membership Fees

annual fees, payable in advance, which for convenience, are typically paid by post-dated cheques in 10 monthly installments. Cheques are dated the tenth (10th) of every month (as per registration package) If a swimmer joins or leaves part way through a month, the fees for that month are due and payable. Further fees as outlined in the liability waiver form, signed at registration, will be charged. There is no reimbursement of fees for missed practices or vacations taken by the swimmer.

Family Membership Fees Discount

For competitive swimmers only (3x week or higher) There will be a reduction in the membership portion of the fees as follows:

1st swimmer: 100% annual membership fee
2nd swimmer: 100% annual membership fee
3rd or more swimmer: 0% annual membership fee

Introduction to Competitive Swimming, Learn to Swim and Master programs are excluded. Discount applied to the swimmer(s) with the lowest annual fees.

York Swim Club board reserves the right to review and change this policy if club finances cannot sustain this discount.

Change In Swimmer's Training Program

When a swimmer changes classifications during the season (e.g. from Novice to Age Group), the swimmer's fees will be charged at the new rate class starting the month following the change

Late Registration

Swimmer may join the club at any time throughout the swim season. Membership fees for the new swimmer will be based on a monthly membership fee, the monthly swim meet fee plus the one time Swim Ontario fee for the season

Refund Policy

There will be no refund of any part of the monthly membership fee for the month in which the swimmer withdraws from the club-i.e. the November installment is forfeited when a swimmer withdraws from Nov 1-Nov 30

Swim Ontario Assessment/Affiliation

As determined by Swim Ontario-Different rates for different ages and classification of swimmer-see registration package

Outstanding Membership/Swim Meet Fees

A swimmer's account must be in good standing at all times. Given the club treasurer receives notice of an account being "not in good standing" for reasons ranging from an NSF cheque to other, it is the responsibility of the family to bring the account current with the issuance of a replacement cheque. In the event the account is not corrected in a speedy manner, the swimmer will not be allowed to continue training. The treasurer and the Board of Directors may see fit to step outside this policy

NSF Policy- $50 charge

The swimmer' account may be charged $50.00 for each cheque returned because of insufficient fund. This is at the discretion of the treasurer. Family circumstances, amount of NSF cheque etc will assist in the determination of this policy

Meet Fees

Excess fees will be refunded at the end of the swim season. Any meet fee shortfall must be paid at the end of each swim season (prior to registration the following season)

Swim Meet Scratch Deadline

Swim meet scratch deadlines will be stated in the posted Swim Meet Schedule-distributed via email, posted on the bulletin board and posted on the web site. Typically, the scratch deadline is two week prior to the start of the meet (but each swim meet host can set a different deadline) Please review and follow Procedures For Withdrawing From a Meet. Attendance at swim meets is mandatory and it is at the discretion of the coaching staff to enter the swimmer in a meet.

Refund of Meet Fees

Notice of swim meets will be in keeping with the above paragraph and withdrawal must follow the procedure noted above. In the event that the above is not followed, meet fees will not be charged to the swimmer's meet account. If the above procedure is not followed, there will be no refund of any meet entry fees.

Relay Fees

Relay fees are paid by the club. On occasion, swimmers have not shown up for relays so that the remaining team members are unable to swim and the club loses the relay meet fees. If a swimmer does not show up for a relay, he or she will be charged for the meet fee for the relay.  This charge may be waived by the coach for extenuating circumstances, i.e. illness verified by a doctor's note.

Fines For Mied Relays and Finals

$25 for the first offence on a no-show for finals or relays, per event and per relay missed. $50 for the second; and suspension for the third mixed day until the head coach agrees to reinstatement. If there is any dispute, the parent(s) may discuss the matter with the coach and if the matter cannot be resolved, it may be taken to the club president.

Club Hosted Meets-Swim Meet Fees

Swim meet fees for swimmers in our club hosted meets are not payable if the family works all of the sessions.

Club Hosted Meets-Family Obligation

Every family must assist with the officiating or in some other approved capacity at the club hosted meets (fundraisers for the club). This obligation is independent of whether or when your child swims. ($200.00 cheque dated for the 1st meet is taken at registration and ail be cashed if the obligation is not met-a replacement cheque for the next meet will be requested at that time)

Participation Fees

A cheque for the participation fee obligation is taken at registration and dated for February of the Swim season. If the participation points are not earned and at least one Bingo session worked over the course of the season, the cheque will be cashed. The cheque will be returned or destroyed if the family earns the required participation points (and Bingo worked) over the course of the swimming season. (see points system for participation)

Participation Points

Participation points may not be carried over from year to year

Pro-Rated Participation Fees

If a swimmer joins the club at any time throughout the swimming season, the swimmer will be responsible for participation fees on a pro-rated monthly basis. There will be no refunds for participation over and above the required commitment notwithstanding a swimmer may levee the club during the swim season.

Travel Subsidy

York Swim CLub pays a portion of the travel and accommodation costs for all club approved travel meets (both coach and board approved-only competitive meets are eligible). The subsidy is variable and based on the financial viability of the club as determined by the board of directors. The head coach will use training attendance records and in town swim meet attendance records to determine if a swimmer qualifies for consideration to travel to an away meet.


swimmers are expected to attend a minimum of 90% of all the practice sessions. Attendance at all practices is the basis of eligibility for swim meets/training camps/awards etc.